Journey to Mt. Moriah - 2010
"Rude Awakening"
"The Curiosity of Felix Hayword"
"Suicide is Never Timely"
"Steamboat Cult"
"Dash of Human"
"Spit Polish"
"Lunar Landing"
"No Entry"
"Erik the Nomad"
"Loan Shark"
"Stalin's Resolution"
"Stalin's Rebuke"
"Stalin's Resolve"
"Stalin's Revelation"
"Out for a Stroll"
"Ants in Your Pants"
"Ghost Hug"
"The Headless Cat"
"Blood Clot"
"The Comforts of Home"
"Blind Date"
"Snake Stew"
"The Cube"
"Little Birddha"
"Secret Messages"
"Allergic Reaction"
"Medical Condition"
"I Can't Draw"
"Forgive Me"
"A Closer Look"
"Three Hairs"
"Enemy Within"
"Florida, French-Fry and Heresy"
"I Love You But..."
"The Blanket"
"The Fugue"
"Little Pirate"
"A Story"
"Bird House"
"Sheriff Uar-y's Collectables"
"Dan Brown's New Novel"
"Tea Leaves"
"Stampede on Lunar Outpost 9"
"Samurais Make the Worst Patients"
"Dat Girl"
"Spit It Out"
"Unusual Appetite"
"The Librarian"
"You Look Tired"
"Cricket Fever"
"They Will Burn"
"Below the Surface"
"Harbinger of Death"
"Earth or Something Like It"
"An Old Story"
"Big Chested"
"Bamboo Forest"
"Grandpa's Effects"